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The Free Library is Hosting a Gingerbread House Workshop Featuring Real Life Architects

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The Free Library is Hosting a Gingerbread House Workshop Featuring Real Life Architects

Feature Image via Phillip Goldsberry

The Free Library is Hosting a Gingerbread House Workshop Featuring Real Life Architects

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What better way to show your love for the Free Library (1901 Vine Street.) than recreating your branch as a gingerbread house?! In this workshop, open to adults and families, representatives from the Philadelphia Center for Architecture and Design Education Department will present the architectural wonders of the Parkway Central Library as guests decorate gingerbread replicas.

Participants will learn fundamental architectural and design elements and the history of the libraries, as well as basic piping and decorating techniques. Each ticket supplies a large cookie canvas to recreate the iconic facade of the Parkway Central Library and display throughout the holiday season.

This event has limited in-person tickets to ensure safe, physical distancing. According to current guidance from the city of Philadelphia, it is required that all in-person attendees, regardless of vaccination status, mask for this indoor event. Those who are not fully vaccinated should take additional precautions.

All proceeds from ticket sales go towards supporting the Culinary Literacy’s Center programs for youth, neighborhood engagement, and English language learning.  Tickets are $15 can can be purchased here.

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