The Arch Street Meeting House Will Be Screening the Classic “Beetlejuice” To Kick-Off The Fall Season
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The Arch Street Meeting House Will Be Screening the Classic “Beetlejuice” To Kick-Off The Fall Season
To kick off the Fall and Halloween season, Arch Street Meeting House will be hosting a private screening of Beetlejuice outdoors on their historic grounds for First Friday, on October 1st, from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.
For a suggested donation of $5, bring a picnic blanket and the whole family for a fun movie night in Old City. Free on-site parking is available. This event kicks-off the Fall and Halloween season, as they will be hosting this special First Friday with a movie, snacks, and drinks.
Located in the heart of Old City, Philadelphia, Arch Street Meeting House is a museum, National Historic Landmark, and active Quaker place of worship. Constructed in 1804 on two acres of land deeded by William Penn as a burial ground to the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Arch Street Meeting House has had an estimated 20,000 burials occur on its historic grounds.
All attendees are required to practice social distancing, and wear a mask when in close proximity to others or entering the building at Arch Street Meeting House.