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SliCE is Giving Away FREE Slices of Pizza on Election Day!

Free Slices on Election Day

Local Scoop

SliCE is Giving Away FREE Slices of Pizza on Election Day!

SliCE is Giving Away FREE Slices of Pizza on Election Day!

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SliCE is Giving Away FREE Slices of Pizza on Election Day!

Philadelphia restaurant SliCE will give away free pizza slices on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, between 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Owners Marlo and Jason Dilks have a growing family of six daughters and they have been teaching their family about the importance of being active in their community, being civic minded and exercising their freedom to vote. After a challenging year with the global pandemic, and a long election season, the couple will head out to six polling places that are expected to have long lines and give away free slices of pizza to those waiting to cast their ballot. No purchase is required and this is for anyone of any political background – no matter who you are supporting you can enjoy a free slice at outside polling places when SliCE arrives while supplies last. SliCE will seek community input about which polling places will have long waits so they can best serve their community – with selections being within 1-1.5 miles of each location in Fishtown and the Italian Market. SliCE will also serve up pizza and drink specials for those on their way to the polls – including $10 small pie with one topping and a drink, and $15 large pie with two toppings and a two liter bottle of soda. These are designed to give an option on the way to the polls to eat before you vote but after you leave work, and for those heading home to families after they vote.
“SliCE is heading to the polls this election day with free pizzas at six polling places for those that are coming out during the pandemic and taking part in the process,” said owner Marlo Dilks. “This isn’t about who you are voting for or your individual politics. We should all exercise our choice and right to vote, and it’s especially challenging and brave to do so in person during the COVID 19 crisis. Our idea came about as we brainstormed to help those coming out in person, leaving the safety of work or their homes, and maybe didn’t have time to get a hot meal on the way. It’s a small gesture but our way of contributing to the process. No matter who you are supporting we are all in this together and we are all part of the process, and we want to do our part. We have seven young daughters at home and we teach them to get involved, speak their mind, be individuals and when it’s time to get out and vote. We want to be role models and have been teaching them about the process – and this is our way of doing something for our communities in both Fishtown and North Philadelphia, and in South Philadelphia.”
SliCE Fishtown and SliCE Italian Market will give away free slices at six polling places on Election night – within 1-1.5 miles estimated of each location. The pizza will be given away by drivers wearing masks and shields, and to people outside polling locations. Everyone will be asked to remain at a social distance – and the slices are first come, first served at each location. SliCE will then move on to the other locations when pies are done at the location prior.
In order to select which polling locations will have long waits, and have a need, SliCE asks their community to suggest polling locations by following @SliCEPA and dropping the couple a DM message, tagging SliCE in a post, or going to SliCE PA on Facebook and replying to the call for suggestions on the Facebook wall – starting Monday, October 19, 2020. The owners will also be in touch with NON PARTISAN local organizations for suggestions.
“We want everyone to participate in the process and if this can make the process even a hair easier on hard working parents, like us, we want to take part and give back,” Dilks said. “We also want to offer specials that day that are discounted, simple and easy to pick up on your way to and from the polls – the specials are open to anyone and everyone that mentions them on Election Day. We realize other parents like us might be juggling home school, work and other priorities. If you are on the way from work and didn’t eat, we will have a small pie and drink for you at $10 each, including one topping. If you are on the way home from work, and you need dinner for your family, we want you to have an affordable option at $15 including two toppings and a two liter bottle of soda (or two bottles of water).”
Election Day specials as described above will be available from open to close – for take-out or delivery – to help everyone have a safe, healthy and stress-free Election Day. Specials at both locations include:
* Stop on the Way to the Polls for a $10 small pie with one topping and choice of soda or water
* Stop to or from the Polls for a family special $15 large pie with two toppings and choice of soda 2L or two bottles of water
SliCE FIshtown will also open for lunch on Election Day early at 11:00am on that Tuesday, November 3, 2020.

Hours, locations and phone numbers to call your order in ahead are found below:

SliCE Italian Market:
1180 S. 10th St.
10:00am to 10:00pm
SliCE Fishtown
431 East Girard Ave.
Special hours this day: 11:00am to 10:00pm

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