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See What Happens When Hollis Thomas & a Few Unsuspecting Philadelphians Go Flavor Tripping
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See What Happens When Hollis Thomas & a Few Unsuspecting Philadelphians Go Flavor Tripping
We use a variety of objects to trick our senses. Contacts for better eye sight, ear plugs to drown out the noise, and gloves to resist heat and cold. However, one of our sense that we never really manipulated is the sense of taste. Our whole lives we’ve grown accustomed to dealing with the way things taste. A lemon has always been sour and vinegar will always be bitter. Well that is until now. MiraBurst which a company that creates flavor altering tablets have become an item of novelty with flavor tripping.
Aside from it’s ability to change the taste of food for those looking for entertainment, the tablets also posses great benefits for those looking to diet and want to enhance their food. Also those with specific medical conditions such as diabetes could benefit from MiraBurst tablets.
Well we wanted to see how exactly favor tripping would blow people’s minds so we put a bunch of Philadelphians in a room, including ex-Eagle Hollis Thomas to see their reactions. As you guessed it, the result was priceless. Check out our flavor tripping video and see for yourself!