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Science After Hours is Back at the Franklin Institute With “Celestial Sips” A Winter Night Under the Stars

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Science After Hours is Back at the Franklin Institute With “Celestial Sips” A Winter Night Under the Stars

Science After Hours is Back at the Franklin Institute With “Celestial Sips” A Winter Night Under the Stars

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The popular after hours event, Science After Hours is back at The Franklin Institute for a special holiday edition paying homage to the stars. Celestial Sips A Winter Night Under the Stars will take place on December 8th from 7:30 pm -11:30 pm and will feature a wide-range of programming.

Guests are encouraged to come dressed in their “galactic best” in celebration of their newly opened exhibit “Wondrous Space.” Science After Hours will allow guests to enjoy the entire museum including the new exhibit while enjoying cocktails and bites provided by Seravezza Events and plenty of of interactive activities which include:

  • Grabbing some bubbly or hot chocolate and gather in the Campfire Lounge, aka The Fels Planetarium, where Chief Astronomer and master storyteller Derrick Pitts will be joined by musician Keegan Tawa as they take you on a trip through the cosmos for stories of the stars.
  • Enjoy Drag Bingo and play for prizes with the operatic diva herself, Sapphira Cristál. 
  • Take to the dance floor with musical performances by the Arpeggio Jazz Trio, Un Toque de Cache, and Lili St. Queer.
  • Craft a letter to your future self or write one for a close friend with the help of Philly Typewriter and their collection of operable vintage typewriters.
  • Party photographer UV Lucas will be around to capture the night.
  • Enjoy delightful photo opportunities, including our 25-foot-tall celestial tree.
  • More activities to be announced

Tickets for Celestial Sips are available here and are $40 for nonmembers and $35 for members.

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