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Rapper LV Looks to Put Delaware on the Map

Delaware rapper lv

The Drop Night Show

Rapper LV Looks to Put Delaware on the Map

Rapper LV Looks to Put Delaware on the Map

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Rapper LV Looks to Put Delaware on the Map

When it comes to the hip hop scene Delaware has been non-existent. An East Coast drive through state, it’s often times overshadowed by nearby Philly and the DMV area.  However, rapper LV is looking to change all of that.  A hopper who played overseas, LV has a broad perspective on life and entertainment.  He’s putting his thoughts on wax for the people to hear.  So if you want to see what D-Ware can bring to the table then look no further.  Listen to the interview and make sure you check out his projects.  Make sure to leave your thoughts in the YouTube comments as well.

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