Entertainment Scoop
These Pictures of Bacon Mac Lasagna Will Raise Your Cholesterol Just by Looking at Them
If you haven’t yet been introduced to The Vulgar Chef (warning contains NSFW language), well here is a helluva introduction. Known for his vernacular that would make a even the ballsiest sailor cringe, The Vulgar Chef is also known for whooping up artery clogging dishes and explaining his process in well….a vulgar. Way.
His latest creation the Bacon Mac Lasagna is pretty self-explanatory. Essentially its mac & cheese layered in bacon, and more cheese. It’s everything your doctor tells you not to eat if you want to make it to play with your future grand kids but everything your taste buds want after a drunken night out on the town. Without further adieu, I present to you, The Bacon Mac Lasagna.
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