Need to Work on Your Swing? Five Iron is Hosting The nicethings Invitational “Tee Off” With Coaches, Competitions & More
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It may be a rainy week but but for those looking to work on their golf swing can head over to Five Iron (27 E Allen St.) for the nicethings Invitational Tee Off event.
From 6 pm to 9 pm, guests of all skillsets will be able to enjoy a night of competitions, coaching, and more. This is your opportunity to meet the participants of the nicethings Invitational taking place August 11th at Lederach Golf Club.
This year, The nicethings Invitational will also be a featured Major tournament in the Amateur Golf Society’s AGS Tour. This special event is the “tee off” celebration for The nicethings Invitational. A celebrity golf scramble featuring a live concert on the “19th hole.” and an awards reception. “Our main fundraising initiative, this charity golf outing will inform attendees of the work The nicethings Invitational & We Golf Now does to connect the culture with some of the top names and brands in golf,” Moody explains.