MilkBoy Is Hooking Up Philadelphia Marathon Runners with Free Water and Fun Specials!
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MilkBoy Is Hooking Up Philadelphia Marathon Runners with Free Water and Fun Specials!
MilkBoy, the Philadelphia-born brand encompassing live-music venues, bars, restaurants, and a recording studio, is excited for the upcoming Philadelphia Marathon, one of the top ten most popular road marathons in the nation, on Sunday, November 24.
From 9 am through 4 pm, marathon runners are invited to stop by MilkBoy Chestnut Street to check out fun marathon specials, including $5 citywides, $2 off drafts, $2 off specialty cocktails, $2 off wines, and $5 well drinks.
Moreover, Liquid Death Mountain Water, a sustainable-focused canned water company, will have tent and mascot onsite and be giving away free water as competitors pass by.