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McGillin’s is Hosting a Toy Drive With Rare Seasonal Beers & Drink Specials Benefitting Ronald McDonald House Charities

mcgillins toy drive

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McGillin’s is Hosting a Toy Drive With Rare Seasonal Beers & Drink Specials Benefitting Ronald McDonald House Charities

McGillin’s is Hosting a Toy Drive With Rare Seasonal Beers & Drink Specials Benefitting Ronald McDonald House Charities

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Tis’ the season for giving and for the last several years Philadelphia’s oldest bar gets into the holiday spirit (and spirits) by hosting an event benefitting Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House Charities of Philadelphia.

On December 8th McGillin’s Olde Ale House‘s (1310 Drury St.) PA Christmas Beer Collective will be serving up  some rare seasonal beers from Tröegs Brewing & Sly Fox Beer on tap as well as food specials.  From 6-9 pm Santa will be paying a visit for a toy drive with photo opps, karaoke and swag for anyone who brings a new, unwrapped toy.

And all month $1 of every Tito’s cocktail ordered will be donated to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House Charities. McGillin’s annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Karaoke is also this month on Wednesday the 15th.

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