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Looking for a Spooky Valentine’s Day Date? Lincoln Mill is Having a One Night Only Haunted Candlelight Tour

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Looking for a Spooky Valentine’s Day Date? Lincoln Mill is Having a One Night Only Haunted Candlelight Tour

Looking for a Spooky Valentine’s Day Date? Lincoln Mill is Having a One Night Only Haunted Candlelight Tour

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If you’re looking for a nontraditional Valentine’s Day experience this year, may we suggest a haunted house? Yup, Manyaunk’s Lincoln Mill (4100 Main St.), one of Philly’s most popular haunted attractions is back with another installment of Viktor’s Valentine, A Dark Story.

For one night only on Saturday February 10th from 6 pm -10 pm, guests will embark on a candlelight tour  through a hidden chamber by following the hearts that will lead you to the ghost of Viktor Valentine. Be prepared to hold tight to your significant other as characters and props come to life in this spooky undying labyrinth.

Who is Viktor you ask? Well according to Lincoln Mill “The Legend of Viktor’s Valentine” is as follows, “In the 1930s, Viktor Kane had several accomplices that helped him carry out his evil acts. One of them loved Viktor, but developed a deep resentment towards him. She wanted the pain to stop and so she came up with a plan to take down his operation.

On February 14th, 1939, she left a trail of hearts inside the hidden chamber. At the end of the trail, she revealed herself; greeted Viktor with a kiss, and then stabbed him in the heart. She then took her own life, wanting to be free of her guilt, her body, and to be with Viktor forever…”

Tickets are on sale at, $35 for those single and looking to jump start their heart or $65 for couples looking for a spooky spark.

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