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The Largest Target on the East Coast is Coming to KOP
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A brand spanking new 165,000 sq. ft. Target store is coming to The Valley Forge Shopping Center in KOP. This new mega Target store will be the largest in the East Coast and is slated to open Sunday July 27th at 8 am.
Some thing you can expect in this ginormous Target is a grocery section that is 40% larger than normal Target stores as well as a Starbucks, Target Optical and Target Pharmacy. Not impressed? Well how about iPads that will be on hand for customers to view and order merchandise online as well. Also don’t worry about parking as this Target will also be elevated above the 800-space parking garage, half of which will be underground.
We predict fans of Target will be flocking to this new retail epicenter which is in the heart of the already bustling KOP shopping district.