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Kismet Bagels is Hosting a Willy Wonka Style Golden Bagel Hunt and Three Winners Will Receive Free Bagels For a Month

kismey bagels golden bagel hunt

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Kismet Bagels is Hosting a Willy Wonka Style Golden Bagel Hunt and Three Winners Will Receive Free Bagels For a Month

Kismet Bagels is Hosting a Willy Wonka Style Golden Bagel Hunt and Three Winners Will Receive Free Bagels For a Month

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In celebration of National Bagel Day (January 15th), Kismet Bagels is bringing back an annual tradition that offers a great prize. Kismet Bagels’ “Golden Bagel Hunt” is a Willy Wonk and the Chocolate Factory style game that offers bagel lovers a chance to find the golden bagel and receive free bagels for a month.

The return if  the Golden Bagel Hunt was announced via social media and describes the contest as follows, “We will be running around the city giving out a FREE bagel per person! In 3 of those bags a GOLDEN bagel will be waiting! The finders of these 3 golden bagels will win: A fresh Kismet Bagels Tote, Damn Near Everything Seasoning AND ONE WHOLE month of free bagels and schmear at the new Fishtown brick and mortar. Limited to once per week, each winner may redeem half a dozen bagels and one schmear of choice EACH WEEK for the month.”

Their new brick and mortar located at 113 E. Girard in Fishtown is slated to to open in mid to late March.  Winners of the Golden Bagel Hunt are able to redeem their prizes as soon as the store opens.

As to how you can win a chance to win the Golden Bagel Hunt, here’s where they’ll be tomorrow:

Queen Village – Corner of 4th and Bainbridge – 9-930am
Fairmount – 24th and Fairmount – 10-1030am
Fishtown – In front of our future shop! 113 E Girard Avenue – 11-1130am


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