Kismet Bagels and Freelance Pizza are Teaming Up for a New Year’s Eve Make Your Own Pizza Bagel Popup
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Remember coming home from school back in the day and making pizza bagels? If you were fancy with it, you would add a little pizzazz. Now you can relive those great memories with a pizza bagel popup. Jacob and Alexandra Cohen, the Co-founders of Kismet Bagels, are teaming up with Dave Quaile of Freelance Pizza for a pizza bagel popup, which will take place on Friday, December 31st from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Riverwards Produce at 2200 E. Norris Street in Fishtown.
In what is a revival of a popup the two local brands held at Rally in October of 2020, pizza bagel kit boxes will be available for preorder only. Boxes, which cost $24 apiece, include three whole bagels, various cheeses, sauce, and toppings to make six of your own pizza bagels from the comfort of your own home. Additionally, all customers will receive a “how to” hand-drawn zine by Quaile, an artist who always draws fun designs on every pizza box he fills. Quaile designed a custom zine for this event, which is several pages apiece.
Orders can be placed at on Monday, December 27th beginning at 9 a.m.