Kimpton in Philly Created a Pop-Up Love Letter Desk to Pen That Special Someone!
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Kimpton in Philly Created a Pop-Up Love Letter Desk to Pen That Special Someone!
There’s something so special about a handwritten love letter – text, snapchats, and emails can’t quite compare. The impactful art of handwritten letters seems to have disappeared, so Hotel Palomar is bringing them back with a pop-up love letter writing desk in its living room.
For the month of February, both guests and locals will be invited to pen a letter to a loved one and drop it in a designated mailbox for the hotel to stamp and send out (or take and deliver personally). Nice stationery and pens will be provided to ensure each letter is a work of art. Because coming up with the right words isn’t always easy, the desk will be stocked with books of love letters and poems from different time periods for some inspiration.