HipCityVeg is Offering a Free Birthday Cake Shake to Anyone That Commits to One Plant-Based Meal a Day April 16th-22nd
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HipCityVeg is Offering a Free Birthday Cake Shake to Anyone That Commits to One Plant-Based Meal a Day April 16th-22nd
HipCityVeg is offering a sweet deal, literally. In celebration of their birthday and Earth Day or “Earth Day Birthday Celebration,” HipCityVeg is looking for folks willing to commit to one plant-based meal a day.
Between April 1st and April 15th, HipCityVeg is asking folks to Take the Veg Pledge, and commit to eating at least one plant based meal a day from April 16 – April 22nd (HipCityVeg’s birthday through Earth Day).
By making the pledge, people can not only dramatically reduce the impact of their meals on the planet; they will also get daily deals and planet-saving tips, plus a free HipCityVeg Birthday Cake Shake on our birthday, just for signing up.