Local Scoop
GrubHub Ranks 4 Local Universities as “The Most Polite”
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Usually when a 3rd party national entity ranks cities or people in general Philadelphia never seems to fare well. Whether it’s about fashion, fitness, or overall appearance, Philly tends to get a bad rap. This is way I was delightfully surprised when the news came out that GrubHub along with Spoon University ranked 4 local universities as the most polite colleges in the country. Yes you read that right. In the entire U-S-of A Philly had 4 of the top 10 spots in the nation with Upenn taking top honors as #1 (those damn overachievers).
Although GrubHub isn’t exactly GQ, Esquire, or Cosmopolitan, we’ll take the compliment. As for which local universities made it they were as follows, #10 Drexel, #7 Temple., #3 University of the sciences, #1 Upenn. As for how GrubHub came up with the ranking their website stated it used a basic formula and looked at how many orders with special instructions were placed and the number of times that “please” or “thank you” was used.