Gritty is Celebrating His Bday With a Motorcycle Joyride Through Philly
Gritty is Celebrating His Bday With a Motorcycle Joyride Through Philly
How orange bundle of joy is turning the big 3 today and to celebrate he’s taking a motorcycle joyride around town. That’s right even though he’s not old enough to get a license the city is making a special exception.
Gritty will begin his birthday joy ride September 24th at Wells Fargo Center’s parking lot at noon, travel by iconic Philadelphia locations like the Art Museum, City Hall and Logan Square, and end back at Wells Fargo Center for a private celebration featuring cupcakes and a birthday serenade around 1 p.m. Check out his special message to fans below:
‘Tis the eve of the third biggest holiday of the year behind only Christmas and National Left Handers’ Day, my birthday. That’s right people, the sun has yet again completed its annual trip around me and with that I grow one year older and like a tall tree, grow one more ring in my innards.
‘Twas just a few short years ago that I was introduced to the world in front of a museum of screaming children (plz note: it was the Please Touch Museum, not the Museum of Screaming Children (although I’d love to visit)) and since then you have watched me accomplish so much. Tomorrow, another opportunity will arise and I’m here to give you the inside scoop. I suggest you fuel up your air choppers as I fuel up my land chopper for a commemorative ride around our lovely city. Just me, the wind, and a couple hundred pounds of pure adrenaline between my legs.
‘Twill truly be a wonderful day. At the conclusion of my joy ride, I have invited a choir of aspiring singers to perform an acapella arrangement of Happy Birthday in my honor. Tomorrow, we celebrate ME. It my day. I don’t ask for you to celebrate me the other 364 days of the year, you do that on your own. But tomorrow I ask for this: remember what you love about me, remember the first time I made you laugh, remember the first time you saw me naked, remember what you felt the first time we locked eyes, and remember every time you saw me in your dreams and woke up in a cold sweat.
We ride at noon,
P.S. No gifts tomorrow. I only ask for your love and adoration.