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Every Wednesday Until Christmas Libertee Grounds is Screening Classic Holiday Movies in Their Beer Garden

libertee grounds christmas movies

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Every Wednesday Until Christmas Libertee Grounds is Screening Classic Holiday Movies in Their Beer Garden

Every Wednesday Until Christmas Libertee Grounds is Screening Classic Holiday Movies in Their Beer Garden

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There’s nothing like gathering around friends and fam during the holidays and catching a classic Christmas flick.  Now Libertee Grounds (1600 W. Girard Ave.) is offering a change to check out four classic Christmas movies now through Christmas.

Admission is free but BYOB (Bring your own blanket) because Libertee Grounds will be screening four holiday movies in their beer garden with plenty of drinks and food available for purchase. Heat lamps will also be provided to keep things cozy.  The movie dates and times are as follows:

Dec. 8th | 7 pm



Dec. 15th

Home Alone 1 | 6 pm

Home Alone 2 | 8 pm


Dec. 22nd | 7 pm

How the Grinch Stole Christmas


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