East Market Will Be Hosting The Sisterly Love Food Fair
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East Market Will Be Hosting The Sisterly Love Food Fair
Having already operated out of a variety of locations throughout Philadelphia including Cherry Street Pier, the Sisterly Love Citywide Food Fair is now partnering with Philadelphia’s East Market (1100 Market Street).
The Sisterly Love Food Fair will take place on Saturday, April 3rd from 12-4 pm! “With proven popularity in differing locations throughout Philadelphia, East Market is proud to welcome the market to its outside space,” states in a recent announcement.
Attendees can shop locally-made pre-packaged items ranging from baked goods to handmade pasta as well as jewelry and gifts. The fair makes it easy to shop small, shop local, and shop women. Plus, enjoy live music throughout the day.
BONUS: Enjoy brunch from The Wayward, Philadelphia’s trendy American Brasserie located at East Market (think: fresh oysters & oyster shooters, “chicken pot pie” and waffles, and more).