Do it Yourself! Amazon Just Opened It’s New Amazon Go Cashierless Grocery Store!
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Do it Yourself! Amazon Just Opened It’s New Amazon Go Cashierless Grocery Store!
If you’re up on Amazon’s growing dominance in all things commerce then you may have seen some of their Amazon Go convenience stores located at a few major U.S metro markets. The technology lets shoppings grab their items and simply walk out the store. Now Amazon is using that same technology in their all-new Amazon Go cashierless grocery store.
Located in Amazon’s hometown of Seattle, Amazon Go Grocery store enables customers to shop for everyday grocery items like fresh produce, meat, seafood, bakery items, household essentials, dairy, easy-to-make dinner options, beer, wine and spirits, and more.
This landmark store is 7,700 square feet of easy shopping bliss with an overall scale of 10,400 square feet.
According to Amazon, the new cashierless stores require shoppers to use the Amazon Go app to scan items as they shop while cameras and sensors track the items removed from the shelves. The items are then tallied on the shopper’s virtual cart. When the customer exits the store, their cart is checked out automatically using their payment card on file.
We an definitely see how the general public could oppose this as it strips jobs from the market. However, Amazon is hoping that new jobs such as tech maintenance and quality assurance can fill the void.