Community Leader Looks to Turn A South Philly Neighborhood Association Into a Community Workspace for Locals!
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Community Leader Looks to Turn A South Philly Neighborhood Association Into a Community Workspace for Locals!
Brandon Washington, a Philadelphia resident and high school and college educator, is raising money to turn the South of South Neighborhood Association (SOSNA) at 1901B Washington Avenue in Philadelphia’s Graduate Hospital neighborhood into a co-op workspace with a goal of benefiting the local community. The name of the new space will be 1901.
The mission is to create a space, similar to WeWork or Rec Philly, where locals can congregate and have internet access, as well as resources necessary to develop digital content in order to share knowledge and ideas for the betterment of the community. Washington, whose father was the late Ron Washington, community leader, activist, and owner of the former neighborhood staple Ron’s Ribs, said the goal is to raise $5,000 by December 30th via a GoFundMe campaign, and $20,000 total for the complete transformation of the space. The initial $5,000 will secure the space, while the remainder is to secure the space for the year, while also outfitting it with COVID-friendly equipment, technology, and programs.
“Due to the pandemic, access to the internet has become a necessity now more than ever,” said Washington, who has degrees in technology, business, and education. “As a result, the ability to create and manipulate digital content is in high demand. The pandemic has also shifted the job market, leading to a rise in demand for jobs that require digital skill sets. Additionally, there are a variety of community issues impacted by poverty that I believe can be addressed with instruction, mentorship, and programming through collaborative efforts that can be facilitated within this new space.”
Washington pointed out that a number of organizations within the community are in need of a space to better facilitate community engagement endeavors, including the likes of the Philadelphia Chapter Frontiers International, Young Chances Foundation, The Kiwanis Club of South Philadelphia, UIF-Technology Mentorship Program, and Favor International Inc., among others.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the poverty rate within Philadelphia has shifted, and numbers will continue to climb as the pandemic continues. Studies conducted by Northeastern University suggests that gun violence has a direct connection to poverty as well, suggesting an increase is likely. And according to Wharton Online, technology adoption has accelerated due to COVID-19. Years of digital transformation has occurred in a matter of months dating back to the start of the pandemic. This means jobs, old and new, will require more digital skills, exacerbating what was already a widening skills gap.
“By providing training of more usable skills for the current workplace, I aim to reduce poverty and all that comes with it,” said Washington. “I want to use my skill set to bring jobs to our community. All of these organizations who need a home aspire to provide opportunities which involve a variety of objectives such as youth programs, activities focused on at-risk populations, and outreach events to increase access to employment opportunities. Considering who my father was, I have always been aware of the issues my city has faced throughout my life.”
Washington teaches tech education at the high school level, entrepreneurship, business, and technology at the university level, and is an affiliate of the Uncommon Individual Foundation’s Technology Mentorship Program. He sits on the board of SOSNA, is the President of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Frontiers International Organization, and is an academic advisor for the Pete and Jameer Nelson Foundation.
“Drawing on my experience in teaching, I am proud to serve as an instructor while being joined by great volunteers and colleagues to serve our community,” said Washington. “I believe the best way to address poverty and issues within our community is through education.”
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