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City Kitchen at Reading Terminal is Hosting a Virtual Bingo Night to Raise Money for Habitat for Humanity!


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City Kitchen at Reading Terminal is Hosting a Virtual Bingo Night to Raise Money for Habitat for Humanity!

City Kitchen at Reading Terminal is Hosting a Virtual Bingo Night to Raise Money for Habitat for Humanity!

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City Kitchen at Reading Terminal is Hosting a Virtual Bingo Night to Raise Money for Habitat for Humanity!

Looking to have some fun and raise money at the same time?  Well the City Kitchen at Reading Terminal Market is hosting a virtual bingo night to raise money for Habitat for Humanity.  The virtual bingo night will take place Saturday March 27th from 2pm-4pm.

This 2-hour event will give you the chance to win an assortment of Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia goodies including Habitat Philadelphia ReStore gift cards, a volunteer opportunity to build your own step stool to give to a Habitat Homeowner, and a free Move for Homes registration! ($100 registration fee waived!)

Each participant will register to receive access to the virtual event and pay $15 for at least one Habitat-themed Bingo Booklet. Bingo Booklets will be available to pick up from the Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia ReStore the week of March 23-27th.

For a greater chance to win, additional booklets will be available for a cash purchase of $10 when you pick up your Bingo Booklet. Registration is required so that you can receive your Bingo Booklet before the event. Those who have already registered to participate in Habitat’s Move for Homes get free event admission and one free Bingo Booklet, so increase your value by registering for Move for Homes!

The winner of each game will receive a prize up to $50 value. Prizes can be picked up after the event at the Habitat ReStore or Office at a prearranged time.

Click here to purchase your ticket. Your ticket purchase supports building and repairing homes at Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia, towards the mission of everyone having a safe, warm, and dry place to call home. This event is co-sponsored by All About Events and City Kitchen located at the iconic Reading Terminal Market.

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