Chestnut Hill Retailers Join Together for Virtual Fall Fashion Show!
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Looking for the latest fashion trends or need some fall inspo? Some of Chestnut Hill’s best boutiques are coming together for a virtual fashion show!
Join Artisans on The Avenue, Bohemian Pink, Chestnut Hill Sports, El Quetzal, Jonesy’s Accessories, Sara
Campbell, TC Unlimited, and the Chestnut Hill Business District as they present the second Chestnut Hill: Fashion’s Night
In on Thursday, October 15. The 45-minute virtual fashion show will be hosted by Philadelphia fashion influencer Dani
To ensure the safety of participating stores and models, retailers will stream from their stores and have the opportunity
to showcase various outfits and discuss individual pieces while also answering questions from customers. Chestnut Hill
Fashion’s Night In is meant to connect local businesses to the people that matter most — their loyal customers.
Continuing on the success of the first Fashion Night In that premiered in May, the show will focus on fall styles, hot
designers, and the must-haves of the season. Chestnut Hill Fashion’s Night In is the perfect way to see a sneak peek of
what you can purchase online or in person this fall and spend time virtually with friends. Before the start of the show,
staff from Tavern on the Hill will provide a fall-themed specialty cocktail recipe on the Chestnut Hill Business District
Event Page for all to enjoy!“The Chestnut Hill Business District is excited to reprise its popular Fashion’s Night In to showcase the newest styles that
our distinctive shops are introducing this autumn,” said Philip Dawson, executive director of the Chestnut Hill Business
District. “Regardless of whether customers are comfortable strolling the Avenue or prefer shopping from the comfort of
their homes, this virtual fashion show is a fun and convenient way to discover big fashion concepts at local small
Viewers have two ways to watch the show. The fashion show will be streamed on Facebook Live on the Chestnut Hill PA
page or patrons can register for free and watch the show on Zoom. Click Here to Register For The Virtual Fashion Show (ID is: 858 4689 6481)