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Cherry Street Pier is Hosting “SuperGameDay Takeover” Featuring a Super Smash Bros. & Tekken 7 Tournament

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Cherry Street Pier is Hosting “SuperGameDay Takeover” Featuring a Super Smash Bros. & Tekken 7 Tournament

Cherry Street Pier is Hosting “SuperGameDay Takeover” Featuring a Super Smash Bros. & Tekken 7 Tournament

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Last May SuperGameDay took over Cherry Street Pier for their first GameDay take over.  Now the gaming collective is back for another addition for a day full of video games, movies and prizes.

SuperGameDay Takeover is happening April 22nd from 11 am to 6 pm and will have vendors, cosplayers, tournaments, raffles, music and more. This year’s even will feature a screening of Mortal Kombat (1995).  The event is free to attend but does have a buy in for both tournaments.

The Super Smash Bros. Tournament has an entrance fee of $15 with a first place cash prize of $200 and second place prize of $70.  The Tekken 7 tournament has an entrance fee of $10 with a 60/30/10 payout split.

Follow @super_game_day for updated event times and updates.


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