Blue Cross Riverrink is Hosting a Make-Your-Own Gift Workshop!
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Blue Cross Riverrink is Hosting a Make-Your-Own Gift Workshop!
Not sure what to get someone for the holidays? Perhaps you just don’t like the hustle and bustle of crowds and stores. Either way the Blue Cross RiverRink is offering an opportunity for you to create a unique and one-of-a-kind gift at their PopUpPlay Gift Making Workshop!
For the first time ever, join the PopUpPlay team on December 21st from 1-4 pm for a holiday gift-making bonanza. Families can choose from a menu of amazing make-and-take gift options from $5 to $15 available for purchase on-site. Gather around and make your gifts with your family and the PopUpPlay team. Plus, create your own wrapping paper and/or gift bags to wrap your holiday gift in.
Gift options include items such as games, candles, scarves, tea towels, prints, portraits, and more.