Entertainment Scoop
5 Apps Every Single Guy Should Have
Everyone wants to get the most out of their smartphones. For all you single guys out there, rest assured that there are a plethora of apps that will assist you through life. Whether it’s shopping for the latest attire or finding other singles, the possibilities are endless. In order to help guide you through the vast app store we present the 5 apps every single guy should have. Commence the downloads!
Photo Vault
Let’s be honest, as an adult male you’re going to get your fair share of explicit photos sent to you during your dating endeavors. Depending on your sexting game, they can range from PG13 all the way up to XXX. Considering that your photo album may look like the latest edition of Hustler, you will have to be extra cautious whenever sifting through pics in public in order to avoid broadcasting your sexting conquests. So if you don’t want to look like a creep or a manwhore, you may want to keep these pictures in a locked and secure location. The Vault provides this service. By simply transferring all those promiscuous photos to the Vault your free to peruse your photo album in the open without worrying about who may be peeking. It just gives you peace of mind.
Tie a Tie Deluxe
As a man you should know how to tie a tie. However, not every man knows how to tie say a Half-Windsor or a Four-in-Hand. Tie a Tie deluxe helps you step up your tie game from the basic run of the mill knot to over more classy and professional looking knots. Not only does this app give you step by step directions on how to tie 7 different knots as well as bow ties, it also suggests the appropriate collar and occasion to wear them. So for you single men that want to look more refined, this app is a must have.
If you’re a single man that travels and enjoys meeting new people on the road, then this app should be downloaded immediately. HelloTel is essentially Tinder for road warriors. When traveling, simply log into the app and create a profile from your Facebook account. Once logged in you select the hotel you’re staying at then you can see others staying in your hotel. You can chat through the app to set up casual dinner dates or late night escapades. The app also lets you see attractions that are around the hotel. Whether you’re looking for a casual buddy on the road or something a little extra, this app is a perfect for those always on the go.
If you’re a guy who loves grilling steaks all year round then this app is a savior. iSteak is a very handy app that allows you to cook the perfect steak by gauging the cut, thickness, and temperature needed to cook your steak. The app allows you to keep track to up to 8 individual steaks. So say you’re entertaining guests and Joe wants his rib eye medium, Sally wants her filet mignon medium well, and Sam wants his New York Strip medium rare, no problem. The virtual grill will allow you to be the host with the most.
Since this list is for single guys we had to put a traditional dating app on it. Hinge is essentially the Match.com of the mobile world. Instead of pairing you with compete strangers with common interests, Hinge sets you up with strangers that have common friends. Working via Facebook, Hinge finds possible matches in your friend’s network that share similar interests with you. A new batch of friends is sent for you to persuse through every day at noon like clockwork. Although, there will be some of you out there that will use this for hookups, the vast majority of users are looking for relationships. So if you’re a single guy looking to put your partying days behind you and settle down, this is the app for you.