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30 Philadelphia Artists Will Transform the Walnut St. Station Into an Art Gallery!


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30 Philadelphia Artists Will Transform the Walnut St. Station Into an Art Gallery!

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30 Philadelphia Artists Will Transform the Walnut St. Station Into an Art Gallery!

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30 Philadelphia Artists Will Transform the Walnut St. Station Into an Art Gallery!

There’s something calming and intriguing when seeing artwork in random urban spaces.  Now the rich Philly art community is invading the Walnut St. Station for what is being dubbed the #tracktakeover.  30 Philadelphia artists will create a temporary underground art gallery by replacing 110 advertising spaces with beautiful works of art.

tracktakeoverart2The initiative was curated by Brendan Lowry of @rorycreative while the @streetsdept ’a Conrad Brenner helped to facilitate the media partnership to documents the project.

The #tracktakeover was funded by @cityfitnessphilly and comes off the heels of the last art/city collaboration #trashcantakeover, where local artists transformed receptacles into works of art. #tracktakeover will encompass all areas of the Walnut St. station including the entrance.  Each artists will have a dedicated vinyl print that previews their work along with a short bio and their social media handles.

Straphangers will be greeted with a directory for the art installation once they pass the turnstile.  The Walnut St. #tracktakeover will run from now until March 10th.  After which all 30 pieces will be randomly placed throughout SEPTA’s train terminals to fill voided advertisement spaces.  Bellow is a list of all participating artists.

Aaron RickettsMorgan SmithLoveis WiseSean 9 LugoMargo HurstDewey SaundersGianni LeeZach!Ali WilliamsMarisa Velázquez-RivasDarren T. BurtonNikki VolpicelliLisa ConnTony Trov and Johnny ZitoJordan MossMabel LuuJordan PlainRachel Joy VictorBij LincsBlurSaeed FergusonAllegra Yvonne GiaMarcus BranchNeroKim LinconRenitentRyan EvansNick MassarelliOh Gee Woh Gee, and Glossblack!

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