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After 100 Years Bridesburg Will Have a Waterfront Park
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(feature image courtesy of Bradley Maule)
After nearly 100 years of no waterfront access, residents of the Bridesburg section of Philly will finally get a waterfront park to call their own. With the additions of Spruce St. Harbor Park, Pier 53, and the Race St. Pier, it seems as though there has been a Delaware River waterfront renaissance (say that three times fast) as of late.
The Bridesburg park has been made possible due to a land deal between Tacony, the Department of Parks & Recreation and Dietz & Watson. While Dietz & Watson wanted to expand its facilities on land controlled by the parks department, the parks department has been eager to obtain the land that would give waterfront access to residents. The location of the soon to be waterfront park is adjacent to the old Coca Cola factory, and will give residents access to an area of the city that many never experienced.
Although this is a big win for the city and its residents, the parks and recreation department is still looking into gaining the 70 acre lot that was once used by Coca Cola in hopes to convert it into usable space. The lot is currently owned by a international utility company called National Grid. There has been talks with National Grid but nothing has been set in stone yet. In the meantime the city will start drafting plans to develop the new Bridesburg park.
We will update you when the renderings for the new park is released.