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Warehouse on Watts Launched a BYO Tent & Sleeping Bag Movie Club With Monthly Flicks

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Warehouse on Watts Launched a BYO Tent & Sleeping Bag Movie Club With Monthly Flicks

Feature Image via Alex Litvin

Warehouse on Watts Launched a BYO Tent & Sleeping Bag Movie Club With Monthly Flicks

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Gather around movie buffs and don’t forget your tents and sleeping bags because Warehouse on Watts (923 N. Watts St.) wants you to be comfy while catching some cool flicks.

The W.O.W Movie Club takes place the last Tuesday of every month with showing times at 8 pm.  Movie goers are encouraged to bring tents and sleeping bags. However, there is a limited number of folding chairs and seating. Guests can enjoy a variety of drinks and snacks including a popcorn machine, hot dog machine, taquitos as well as drink specials. For added entertainment guess can even enjoy movie quizzo prior to the movie as well as a photo booth (courtesy of Now + Then Marketplace)

Tickets are $10 and available here.  The first Movie Club Night will be February 22nd, and will feature Hook (1991).  More movies to be announced. Event is 21+ proof of vax required or entry.

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