Warehouse on Watts and Now + Then Marketplace Team-Up for an Indoor Holiday Market With Over 60 Vendors
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Looking for unique and cool gifts this holiday season? If so, the best things to do is shop local. Now + Then Marketplace, the Port Richmond destination to shop local small businesses, is hosting their last market of 2021 indoors at Warehouse on Watts on December 4th and 5th.
Guests will get to peruse 60 local makers and resellers each day. All vendors are based within a 5 mile radius of Philadelphia. The holiday market is free to attend. However, for those that want to avoid any lines you’re also able to reserve your shopping time on WOW’s website.
To keep things festive, there is a full bar on site serving up some holiday cheer in a glass as well as food from Angie’s Vietnamese Cuisine and Brokenfork. This event is family friendly and Non-profit CARP, Community Action Relief Project, will be on site both days collecting warm clothing donations. Times are listed below:
Saturday 12/4 10:00am – 3:00pm
Sunday 12/5 12:00pm – 5:00pm