Vamo Coffee is Hosting a Series of Classes Including Coffee Roasting, Brewing and Espresso and Latte Art Classes
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Maybe you had aspirations of becoming a barista after watching your favorite Romcom or perhaps you just really love coffee. Either way Vamo Caffee (319 N. 11th St.) is hosting a series of hands-on coffee oriented classes that any coffee lover would appreciate. All classes have multiple times and dates to choose from and are perfect for a day-date, friends outing or just a way to meet fellow coffee lovers.
Interested in the roasting process? Vamo Coffee’s Coffee Roasting class is a hands-on experience where guests will be shown all the necessary and important steps throughout the coffee roasting process. Afterwards the class will all taste the coffees together, try different methods of brewing, and more. The class will include coffee, tea or bottled water as well as coffee roasting tools, supplies, and equipment.
In addition to the coffee roasting class, Vamo Coffee is also hosting Coffee Brewing classes, where participants will use manual brewing devices such as the famous cone drippers like Hario V-60 or the Chemex as well as the Aero Press, French press, or Kalita Wave. This a hands-on and interactive coffee lesson where you’ll be able to try different coffees all along the journey.
Last but not least for those looking for an artsy twist, Vamo Coffee will also be hosting an Espresso and Latte Art Class. So for those that love specialty coffee, you’ll be able to learn the ins and outs of how to pull a perfect espresso shot—and then try your hand at latte art—during this hands-on, small-group class. In the afternoon, make your own way to the roastery and training lab, where you’ll have the chance to try out professional coffee machines. Led by your barista instructor, you’ll learn essential skills for making delicious espresso drinks. This hands-on class offers a beginner-friendly way to learn The small group size ensures hands-on instruction and support.
Classes start at $80 and registration can be made on