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The Winston is Bringing Back the Popular Day Party “Dayload” This Weekend, Featuring Live Bands and DJs


Local Scoop

The Winston is Bringing Back the Popular Day Party “Dayload” This Weekend, Featuring Live Bands and DJs

The Winston is Bringing Back the Popular Day Party “Dayload” This Weekend, Featuring Live Bands and DJs

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It was one of those “you had to be there” Philly eras.  Dayload which was based in the now defunct King’s Oak in the Piazza, literally took over the courtyard with partygoers drinking and eating the day away. Now the popular day party is making a comeback but with a more mature vibe featuring live bands as well as DJs.

The new Dayload party will be put together in conjunction with Smooth Event Group and the host venue The Winston (461 N. 3rd St.). Festivities kick-off at 12 pm with entertainment throughout the day. Live bands that will be performing include Kingsley, Lecompt, and Split Decision.

In addition, some of Philly’s most popular DJ’s will also be spinning during the festivities which will include Smooth, Montone, Sat One, Kurteousy, Tonka, Scooter, and 5 Day Forecast. So guests can except a high energy atmosphere to celebrate this Saint Patrick’s weekend.

“I’ve been Djing for 8 years and events like this are a way for us to showcase our ability to throw amazing events for the city of Philadelphia and show everyone a good time. Our last super bowl event had 1200 people at the crystal tea room and was perfectly executed, states Smooth of Smooth Event Group.

Tickets are $20 and can be purchased here.

Band Set Times:

Kingsley -1:30 pn -3:30 pm

Lecompt – 3:oo pm – 4:30 pm

Split Decision – 4:30 pm -7:30 pm

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