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The Delaware River Waterfront Will Have Two Fireworks Shows This New Year’s Eve

fireworks on the waterfront

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The Delaware River Waterfront Will Have Two Fireworks Shows This New Year’s Eve

Feature Image via Delaware River Waterfront

The Delaware River Waterfront Will Have Two Fireworks Shows This New Year’s Eve

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Perhaps you want to catch an early show before heading off to your final destination of the night or perhaps you want to ring in the new year with fireworks. Either way the Delaware River Waterfront will have two firework shows on December 31st.

Guests will be able to enjoy the fireworks from many riverfront destination points but obviously the Blue Cross RiverRink will be primed for New Year’s Eve crowds with plenty of activities including ice skating, boardwalk games, as well as fire pits and lodges. The Delaware River Waterfront will also be celebrating more than New Year’s, they are also commemorating 30 seasons of Independence Blue Cross RiverRink Winterfest.

The first fireworks show will start at 6 pm and will be called “LET THE GAMES BEGIN.” This show will focus on different games and also tease the famous Olympic Games. Then, at midnight, they will have their “Have a Philly New Year” production that will uplift Philadelphia artists from the past 70 years and have songs all about the City throughout the show.

The New Year’s Eve Fireworks on the Waterfront can be viewed for free along the Waterfront at Race Street Pier, Great Plaza at Penn’s Landing, Spruce Street Harbor Park, Pier 68, and Washington Avenue Pier, as well as the Moshulu, Keating’s Rope & Anchor, the Spirit of Philadelphia, Fringe Arts, and Rivers Casino.

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