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South Street Welcomes Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty’s Giant Rickmobile on Tues May 23rd


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South Street Welcomes Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty’s Giant Rickmobile on Tues May 23rd

South Street Welcomes Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty’s Giant Rickmobile on Tues May 23rd

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South Street Welcomes Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty’s Giant Rickmobile on Tues May 23rd


Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty-themed “Rickmobile” will touch down on South Street tomorrow outside Tattooed Mom’s during its only appearance in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey area.

Wubba-lubba-dub-dub! If you haven’t heard yet, there’s a larger-than-life Rick Sanchez riding across America at this very moment. The giant  “Rickmobile” is driving from Los Angeles to Atlanta before stopping in dozens of cities across the U.S. during the “Don’t Event Trip Road Trip.” The road trip officially began on May 11 in Atlanta, and continues through Oct. 8 at New York Comic Con.

Once arriving on South Street,  the Rickmobile will be parked and hosted by Tattooed Mom’s (530 South) during the ultimate Taco Tuesday event between 6-9pm.
At the Rickmobile, get all of your exclusive, limited quantity Rick and Morty gear when the store comes to Philadelphia! Then chow down on Tattooed Mom’s ultimate Taco Tuesday with $1 all beef or veggie bean tacos all night or they sell out. Plus $2.50 Tecates all day and half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm.

Sales at the Rickmobile will ONLY be from 6-9pm. Plan on getting in line early! Already nearly 3,000 people have confirmed interest in the event on Facebook.

Tattooed Mom’s has a history with the show as they have hosted Rick and Morty events in the past. Rickmobile organizers and road crew contacted Tattooed Mom’s special to be the only site in the region during this special tour across America.
“Tattooed Mom’s discourages growing up as you get older,” Tattooed Mom’s event coordinator Wedge Wegman. “Rick and Morty is is the perfect example of getting older and staying true to yourself, and doing what you want to do – and the perfect embodiment of love and good times. And that’s our mantra.”
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