Someone is Selling Supreme Oreos on eBay for $8,100!
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Someone is Selling Supreme Oreos on eBay for $8,100!
When it comes to hypebeast brands, none create more of a frenzy than Supreme. Slap a Supreme logo on any object and it instantly becomes a must have for wannabes, “influencers” and the well-to-do. Case in point, Supreme Oreos. Yes, the clothing brand teamed-up with the classic snack for a cross-over treat.
Supreme Oreos are simply red colored Oreos sold at an absorbent mark-up, all in the name of coolness. On eBay you can find a pack as low as $100 and as high as 8 grand! (see the listing here). That’s right. Someone is banking on a rich dimwit to pay eight stacks for an item that most likely won’t even get eaten.
We’ll be watching the auction to see if anyone actually pulls the trigger on these. Stay tuned!