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Sad & Boujee is Hosting a Boat Party on the Moshulu and a “MALLRAT” Party at Kung Fu Necktie This Weekend

Local Scoop

Sad & Boujee is Hosting a Boat Party on the Moshulu and a “MALLRAT” Party at Kung Fu Necktie This Weekend

Sad & Boujee is Hosting a Boat Party on the Moshulu and a “MALLRAT” Party at Kung Fu Necktie This Weekend

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The local emo party that went national is poised for a Philly takeover this weekend with back-t0-back parties. Sad & Boujee will be hosting two parties with two unique themes and vibes.

The first of the duo will take place Friday, May 19th when Sad & Boujee takes over the Moshulu for a special boat party. The SAD & BOUJEE “BOAT PARTY” will go from 10 pm to 2am with playlists consisting of emo & rap (think punk goes crunk) spinning everything from My Chemical Romance to Nicki Minaj.

Then the party continues at Kung Fu Necktie on the 20th for their newer party concept MALLRAT which will be a nu metal party that spins Limp Bizkit, Korn, Deftones to TRL party hits from the early 2000s

Cover for Friday night is $20 or 4 packs for $60 (while supplies last). Cover for Saturday night is $6 in advance or $10 at the door.

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