Penn Museum is Hosting a Día de los Muertos Festival With Live Music, Performances and Art Activities
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For those looking to Día de los Muertos, The Penn Museum (3260 South St.) is hosting a full-day festival that offers entertainment for the whole family on Saturday October 29th from 10 am to 4 pm. The festival includes arts activity, altar competition, artisan market, dance and music performances, and an enormous traditional Ofrenda (altar) installation by the Mexican Cultural Center.
Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a lively holiday blending Indigenous Mexican beliefs and traditions with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. With roots in rituals dating back 3,000 years to pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, Día de los Muertos is observed across Latin America and in Latino communities worldwide.
Explore the unique history, traditions, and expressions of this celebration of life and death. Learn about the ofrendas (offerings) at the center of the festivities. These ornate and colorful altars honor the dead (and encourage them to join the party!) with bright yellow marigolds, food, drinks, and photos. Discover the origins of the iconic smiling calacas y calaveras (skeletons and skulls) that are seen on candy, masks, dolls, and more across parades, vigils, and gatherings. Tickets are available here.
The Mexican Cultural Center’s ofrenda was created by Julieta Zavala, in collaboration with artist Mauro Carrera. See full schedule below:
11:10 am Musical presentation by Eve Morales, la voz con sentimiento / the voice with sentiment
11:30 am Day of the Dead Musical Offering (Part 1)
12:40 pm “Pan de Muerto” and Mexican Hot Chocolate
1:00 pm Dance Presentation “Ballet Folklorico Yaretzi”
1:30 pm Day of the Dead Musical Offering (Part 2)
2:45 pm Musical presentation by Eve Morales, la voz con sentimiento / the voice with sentiment
3:20 pm Announcement of winners for the community altar contest! Community members are invited to participate in this contest.