Da Vinci Art Alliance – Wooder Ice
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Wooder Ice

Da Vinci Art Alliance

Everydays Future Fest (All of April!)

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Da Vinci Art Alliance proudly announces our 2024 Everyday Futures Fest presented by PNC Arts Alive! From April 1st - April 30th, 2024 Da Vinci Art Alliance (DVAA) puts on its annual, free, arts, science, and culture festival. Everyday Futures Fest (EFF) explores how Philadelphians can incorporate cultural, urban, and environmental sustainability into their everyday […]


Won’t You Be My Neighbor? An Artist Round Table Discussion

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Levittown, Folcroft, Whitman Park, Mt. Airy. A roundtable conversation about race, economic status, and where people can live. Alex Baker, whose parents were the first black family to move to Folcroft, Delaware County will be our guest speaker. Others directly connected or witness to events depicted in the exhibition may […]


Building Your Own Permeable Backyard with Nancy Agati & DesignPhiladelphia

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

As a part of DesignPhiladelphia's 20th Annual Festival, join us within Nancy Agati's installation "Aqua Terrace" to learn more about how to transform concrete spaces into permeable ecosystems that help mitigate flooding issues and rebuild water systems in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Artist Nancy Agati will present examples of her artwork: sculpture, installations, and public participatory projects […]


Fall Pilates Series at DVAA with Hannah Riley

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Who with Hannah Riley What Four-Week Fall Pilates Series When 9-9:45am Where DVAA at Catharine St. in Gallery 1 Cost Sliding Scale $10-15 What to Bring? Water and a Mat Whether you're a Pilates pro or just starting, this class is for EVERY body! Explore what your body can do in a fun, supportive environment. […]

$10 – $15

Sweet and Spooky Spectacular

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

An evening of fun for all ages! Our annual Sweet and Spooky Spectacular will take place this year on 7th and Catharine St in South Philly. Our block, Da Vinci Art Alliance, and Palumbo Park will feature carnival games, candy, costume contests, raffles, locally sourced prizes, boo-zy cocktails, music, dancing, and more!! There’s something for […]

Experimental Woven Collage Making with Sammy Kovnat (SKOVeS)

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

This experimental collage class will teach participants to make their own paper collage weavings! We will explore the idea of finding healing through intuitive art making and getting lost in the process of creating, by weaving together strips of different colored paper, mixing in other collaged elements, and letting the materials and process dictate what […]


Finding Healing In The Remnants

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Come celebrate the Opening of Finding Healing in The Remnants: A Solo Exhibition by Sammy Kovnat (SKOVeS) at DVAA! About the Exhibition: What do we do with the shards of something broken—especially when the thing that’s been broken is the self? This is the question at the heart of “Finding Healing in the Remnants,” an […]



Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

About the Exhibition: Da Vinci Art Alliance is proud to partner with Craft Movie Club to present “Materialize,” an exhibition that showcases sixteen artists, all working in their chosen material of ceramics, wood, fiber, metal and glass to respond to James Whale’s 1933 classic, “The Invisible Man.” In the film, scientist Jack Griffin uses an […]


A DVAA Screening of “The Invisible Man” (1933)

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join us at DVAA for a special screening of James Whale’s 1933 classic “The Invisible Man”. Popcorn and candy will be provided at the event. DVAA uses art to connect people and build collective resilience in spaces across Greater Philadelphia. Please consider a donation of $10 to support this event and more like it! About […]


Closing Reception

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

November Closing "Come on out to celebrate the closing of our November exhibitions with an artist talks on Colin Pezzano’s “Materialize” and Sammy Kovnat’s “Finding Healing in the Remnants”. Join us Sunday, November 17 from 12 - 2 PM at 704 Catharine Street! Learn more about the exhibitions at davinciartalliance.org.


Perennial Visions VI

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

This December, support local Philadelphia artists and start your art collection with Da Vinci Art Alliance’s annual Members Exhibition, “Perennial Visions.” From printmaking to sculpture to weaving, the multi-disciplinary artworks on view showcase the individual talents, perspectives, and creative impulses that can be amplified by collective care. The exhibition will feature over 50 small works […]


Cumulative Threads + Stumbling Through

Da Vinci Art Alliance 704 Catherine St., Philadelphia, PA, United States

Come celebrate this month's new exhibitions at DVAA! Learn more about our current exhibtions at: davinciartalliance.org This event and free and open to all. Suggested donation to attend is $10 per person. DVAA is a historic row home in the Bella Vista neighborhood. We are not yet wheelchair accessible; Da Vinci is a three floor […]

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