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Little Pete’s Is Throwing a Farewell Block Party!

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Little Pete’s Is Throwing a Farewell Block Party!

Little Pete’s Is Throwing a Farewell Block Party!

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Little Pete’s Is Throwing a Farewell Block Party!

The days are ticking down.  Almost like a villain with a ticking time bomb, the destruction is inevitable for the beloved diner Little Pete’s.  Set to close Memorial Day, Monday the 29th, owner Pete Koutroubas has decided to go out with a bang of his own.

Tuesday May 30th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, Little Pete’s will be hosting a block party.  Pete told, “I want to pay tribute to my customers…I’ll put out Greek food and we’ll have music.”  What better way to send off.  I mean we’re talking about the go-to Center City spot after a night of drinking.  Now we get to party with the diner.

Although Pete is closing down his Rittenhouse location for good, Little Pete’s located at the Philadelphian condominiums (2401 Pennsylvania Ave.) is still thriving. If you are waiting for Pete Koutroubas to open another Center City location, don’t hold your breath.  With a current rate of $10,000/month, Pete has been unsuccessful in his efforts to find a comparable place at the same price point.  In fact the going rent is now twice that amount ($20,000).

So as the day of reckoning inches closer, Pete in company are all smiles.  It’s not a day of sadness but a day of celebration and thanks to all loyal guests over the years.

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