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Independence Seaport Museum is Hosting Their 12th Annual Parade of Lights

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Independence Seaport Museum is Hosting Their 12th Annual Parade of Lights

Independence Seaport Museum is Hosting Their 12th Annual Parade of Lights

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On Saturday, December 4, 2021, Independence Seaport Museum (ISM) will celebrate the holiday season with its 12th annual Parade of Lights. Spend the day along the Delaware River Waterfront at this event, enjoying various crafts and activities at the Museum. The festivities will culminate in a lighted parade of local boats along the river that’s scheduled to begin at 5:15 p.m. Additionally, ISM is excited to announce that this year’s Master of Ceremonies for the parade is Khiree Stewart of PHL17.

“The holidays are all about traditions, and Philadelphia has so many to look forward to every year,” said ISM President & CEO Peter S. Seibert. “Parade of Lights is a great chance to get into the holiday spirit by viewing these beautifully decorated tug boats. We’re looking forward to welcoming families from all across the city to join us along the banks of the Delaware River to get into the holiday spirit and see this spectacular event.”

Starting at 10 a.m., families are encouraged to come to the Museum and participate in several crafts and activities. Be on the lookout for the Origami Ornaments table, where kids will have the opportunity to create boats, otters, or swans that can be taken home or hung on Cruiser Olympia for decoration. Additionally, attendees can get into the holiday spirit by making their own gingerbread boats – available for $5 or free for Museum members. After the sunset, guests are encouraged to head up to the Museum’s fourth-floor ballroom to watch the parade from the balcony overlooking the river.

Interested in getting some of your holiday shopping done early? ISM’s gift shop is stocked with items for everyone on your list. Whether you are looking for the children in your life, the nautical lover, or the traveler who’s always collecting souvenirs, ISM’s Museum Store has you covered! And the best part? All proceeds are re-invested in the Museum’s programs, historic ships, and collections. Do good while you shop.

The Museum will stay open until 6 p.m. for this special event. Get ready to celebrate with the most unique, totally nautical holiday event in Philadelphia! Tickets are available for purchase online.

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