Gaul & Co. Port Richmond Will be Hosting The Inaugural Philadelphia Spelling Brawl
On April 13th at 1pm Crossing Broad and Miller Lite are hosting the Inaugural Spelling Brawl at Gaul and Co. (2619 E Indiana Ave.) hosted by Fox29’s Breland Moore.
The event will feature 10 of of Philly’s most popular Content Creators and 10 of the best spellers from around the city compete for a cash prize. However, the twist is that each contestant will be challenged to spell Philly only words such as Wooder, Schuykill, Jawn. The event is free to attend with plenty of giveaways and will offer food and drink specials.
Participants Include:
⁃ Malik Joe @therealmalikjoe (TikTok)
⁃ John Montague @montaguecomedy
⁃ Frnacis @frnacis22 (IG)
⁃ Dunphy @dunphy215 (IG)
⁃ Pagan @kylepagancb (TikTok)
⁃ Santiago @noshortsusa (TikTok)
⁃ Ligma Ki Shawn @ligma_ki (TikTok)
⁃ Bran Flakez @bran__flakezz (TikTok)
⁃ Dolly Broadway (dolly_broadway) Tik Tok