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Fine Palate is Hosting Culinary Kids Camp Throughout the Summer


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Fine Palate is Hosting Culinary Kids Camp Throughout the Summer

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Fine Palate is Hosting Culinary Kids Camp Throughout the Summer

Just the other day I happened to catch an episode of Chopped Junior. As the kids were making everything from entrees to desserts, I couldn’t help but imagine having the skills to whip up cuisines at such a young age.  Steak-umm sandwiches were probably as advanced as I got as a novice.  However, for pint-sized wannabe chefs, there’s great news. Center City restaurant Fine Palate , which we raved about last year, is looking to teach local kids some culinary skills.

Executive Chef Vince Joseph  and his 14 year old son Christian will be hosting “Culinary Kids Camp” which will teach campers basic culinary skills including food prep, knife work, safety and obviously cooking.  Camp begins Wednesday July 6th  for children 10-15 years old and will run from 11 am to 3 pm.  Parents will then be treated to a four-course meal prepared by campers. This week’s prex fix dinner will include buffalo tartare, Tagliatelle pasta with San Marzano tomatoes and a choice dessert.

Camp admission is $50 and dinner will run $45 per person.  Funds raised by the Culinary Kids Camp as well as proceeds from the dinners will benefit Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Space is limited to only 10 campers per camp session, so we encourage folks to register their kids ASAP.

While the July 6th session is the only camp currently taking enrollment, Chef Joseph and son plan on hosting more Culinary Kids Camps throughout the summer and they look to teach other skills such as desert 101 and fish cooking class.

To register for the Culinary Kids Camp call 267-318-7971.

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