FarmerJawn Greenery Is Hosting Its Inaugural Autumn Community Market With Homemade Goods, Plants & More
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Organic Philly farm, FarmerJawn Greenery (6730 Germantown Ave.) is hosting their inaugural Autumn Community Market on Saturday September 3rd from 12 pm- 6 pm, just in time for back to school festivities. Focusing on providing regenerative farming practices as well as increasing access to these organic foods to marginalized communities, FarmerJawn Greenery will have several local vendors and restaurants for the upcoming event.
“FarmerJawn was founded in – with the mission to bring health and wellness to low income communities as well as bringing forward the education behind agriculture and being able to grow your own food regardless of lack of space, or education. FarmerJawn also aims to bridge the gap between food waste, food insecurity and the symbiotic relationship between the two,” states store manager and event facilitator, Kale Henderson.
Guests can look forward to music, vendors, and food. FarmerJawn Greenry will be presenting a free plant related workshop at 3pm. Vendors include Vellum Street Soap Company, Spotted Horse Provisions, Lizzie’s Love Cakes, Corneey’s, Blossom’Li Florals and many more. In addition the Autumn Community Market will also feature education based vendors for things like Cannabis Business as well as aid in Child Education.
“We wanted to really bring the community together in a time thats tough for people to want to go out and have fun, or even having the privilege to come out to events like this,” Kale adds.