Trivia Night

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Trivia Night.
At Crossing Vineyards & Winery, 1853 Wrightstown Rd, Washington Crossing, PA 18977
Thursday, April 24, 7pm.
Thursday, May 8, 7pm.
Thursday, May 29, 7pm.
Thursday, June 12, 7pm.
Thursday, June 26, 7pm.
It’s time to sweat the small stuff! Come to Crossing Vineyards and relax with a glass of wine while showing off your mastery of minutia.
No rocket science or brain surgery allowed. And no cover charge. The top scoring team wins a prize; so, bring your friends.
Award-winning wines and light bites available for purchase. Reservations suggested.
See website for details and reservations: www.crossingvineyards.com.