Pre-Twinkle Suzuki Music Classes

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The Spring 2025 term of Suzuki Pre-Twinkle will run April 5 through June 7 (no class on 4/19 and 5/24).
Pre-Twinkle Classes provide opportunities for very young children to develop basic musicianship and readiness skills for success in the Suzuki approach. A core component of Pre-Twinkle classes at Temple Music Prep is Suzuki POP (Paper Orchestra Program). Students will build a violin/viola out of everyday household items, sing, and move with their instruments. Students will have a variety of musical enrichment activities that mix arts and crafts with music. Students will do drills to start establishing a set of violin/viola performing skills. Students will learn instrument and bow parts plus the famous “Twinkle Variations” on their Paper violin/viola. At the end of the session, students will present a short performance to show off their instrument.
This class is designed for children ages 3-5 years.
Register NOW! Spaces are limited. https://tinyurl.com/SuzukiPreTwinkle
Classes are held at Temple University Center City (1515 Market Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia – Across from Philadelphia City Hall and LOVE Park)
Easy access via SEPTA – iseptaphilly.com (regional rail, subway, bus) and we offer discounted parking!
Visit boyer.temple.edu/musicprep, email musicprep@temple.edu or call 215.204.1512 for more info!