FREE Intro Jazz Concepts for Busy Adults
April 10 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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Join us in this free introductory session – meet the teacher and try the class before registering for the full term!
Instrumentalists, vocalists of all playing levels are welcome. This class will take you on a thoughtful listening and analysis journey of classic and modern jazz. We will focus on key components of jazz theory, history, and application, adding new concepts week over week. This course is heavily focused on listening and analysis, however we layer in application/performance where possible. We offer both in-person and virtual options for this course! Ability to read music is not a requirement but is recommended. Whether you’re new to jazz, or looking to build on existing knowledge, this class give you the opportunity to engage and learn in a safe and supportive environment.
Register NOW! Spaces are limited. https://tinyurl.com/musicprepfreeintros
Classes are held at Temple University Center City (1515 Market Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia – Across from Philadelphia City Hall and LOVE Park)
Easy access via SEPTA – iseptaphilly.com (regional rail, subway, bus) and we offer discounted parking!
Visit boyer.temple.edu/musicprep, email musicprep@temple.edu or call 215.204.1512 for more info!