Beginning Piano for Busy Adults Class

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The Spring 2025 term of Beginning Piano for Busy Adults Classes will be held April 8 through June 3, Tuesdays at 6pm.
If you once played the piano or you’re just dying to learn, here’s your chance. Playing in our newly renovated and updated piano lab, learn basic rhythms, chords, note names and musical forms.
Register NOW! Spaces are limited. https://tinyurl.com/PianoBusyAdults
Classes are held at Temple University Center City (1515 Market Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia – Across from Philadelphia City Hall and LOVE Park)
Easy access via SEPTA – iseptaphilly.com (regional rail, subway, bus) and we offer discounted parking!
Visit boyer.temple.edu/musicprep, email musicprep@temple.edu or call 215.204.1512 for more info!