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Clark Park Announces Their Outdoor Movie Line-Up

Local Scoop

Clark Park Announces Their Outdoor Movie Line-Up

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If you look directly to the right of your screen on our sidebar there, you’ll notice one of our most popular articles about outdoor movies. Obviously Philadelphians love their movies and being outside on beautiful summer nights.  So when these two elements are combined it’s a recipe for some lasting memories.  Well as we promised, more parks are looking to join this growing trend, the latest being Clark Park.

Starting August 21st and running until September 18th, Clark Park will be screening several outdoor movies that will promptly begin at dusk.  Yes you read correctly, there is no specific time just dusk.  This is a pretty vague time that sounds like something out of an old western but whatever works.

This summer’s outdoor movie line-up is a nice mix of kid movies such as Lego, classics including Casablanca and dramas like Selma.  To add an extra cool element to these movie nights, food vendors will be on hand to serve tasty meals while you kick back and enjoy your flick.  Whether with family, a significant other or solo, movies nights like these are a can’t miss. Below is the flyer containing all show dates.



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