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Chinatown’s Stitch Project Just Received $158 Million to Cap the Vine Street Expressway

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Chinatown’s Stitch Project Just Received $158 Million to Cap the Vine Street Expressway

Feature Image via City of Philadelphia

Chinatown’s Stitch Project Just Received $158 Million to Cap the Vine Street Expressway

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It looks like i95 isn’t the only place where the city plans to install a cap. Just yesterday it was announced that $158 million in federal grant money was approved for the Chinatown Stitch Project.

If you’re unfamiliar with this project, it will essentially cap the Vine Street Expressway to reconnect the north side which has been dubbed “the Loft District” and south side.

In addition to being rebranded, parts of Chinatown were also demolished back in the 50’s in order to widen Vine Street and create the Vine Street Expressway which severed Chinatown.

U.S Rep. Brendan Boyle weighed in on the decision to help rectify this wrong stating, “We will finally be repairing a historic wrong, an injustice that was done to a community. It is truly a transformative day in the history of our city.”

The U.S Department of Transportation is supplying the grant and will look to kick-off the project no later than 2027 and will take about 4 to 5 years to complete.

In total the Chinatown Stitch Project will include two caps. The first cap will cover between 10th street and span midway between 11th and 12th street. The second cap will cover between 12th and 13th street. In addition the Vine Street will be redesigned with improved safety in mind. Aside from stitching Chinatown, the other goal is to reduce speeding cars as well as create a space for for more community activities.

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